IMD Pathfinder®

IMD Pathfinder ®


Client Story: 10 billion Euro industry leader under threat

A global industry leader was facing slowing growth in a fast-growing segment. Our work began with extensive interviews and workshops around the world, to listen to the organization and develop a shared understanding of the barriers preventing growth and opportunities to explore. Those findings not only challenged the business, but they also challenged the leadership teamand their individual and collective ways of working. Following that analysis, the leadership teamcollectively identified topics to address across two time-horizons. As a first step, they defined four primary priorities to strengthen the foundation and accelerate growth where there wasmarket growth today.

As a second step, they also identified four longer-term priorities to shape and lead the future.

Priorities to strengthen the foundation and accelerate current growth

Longer-termpriorities identified to shape and lead the future

Redefine customer-centricity, data-backed strategies and platforms to identify and respond to emerging needs and pain points Shift the business’ center of gravity to leverage scale in data, expertise and relationships to build futuremarket leadership

Redefine sustainability as a source of growth and impact at the center of strategy, not on the fringes Challenge innovation by understanding trends for disrupting disruption in preparing for the future

Rethink and optimize the current asset utilizationmodel in targeted areas, to free up significant resources to focus on the future Empower newand differentiated business models to reflect the evolving demands of the business, as opposed to trapping them in standardmodels of the past

Expand the role of rapidly developing economies as a growth engine for the future, not new salesmarkets for standardized global products Rethink digital beyond a sales channel to focus on deepening relationships with customers

For all eight priorities, under the sponsorship of leadership, teams explored topics by visiting outside companies leading in each field and through facilitatedworkshops to discuss and build shared insights and implications for them. Combining an outside-in and inside-out perspective, teams developed concrete recommendations for constructing a collective agenda for the business.



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