IMD Pathfinder®

IMD Pathfinder ®


We continuously find that the best ideas come from inside the organization, not from consultants’ frameworks. There are always passionate people with a strong desire to contribute to shaping the future of the company. We give them the opportunity, space and time to explore and learn, and to challenge their leaders to build a shared and aligned roadmap for the future.

Each journey is unique and fully tailored

Our engagementmodel fast-tracks ownership& implementation

Moving beyond set formulas and frameworks, we combine insights and input from listening to your organization, to jointly design a customized journey tomirror your specific challenges and aspirations.

By discovering and developing solutions fromwithin, teams develop a stronger sense of urgency and ownership of the path forward, thus accelerating execution.

We challenge& inspire - you identify the solutions

Our pedagogy fosters organizational learning& lasting impact

Through a series of interactions, analysis and dialogue, our pedagogy brings your leaders into a safe space to challenge assumptions and look at issues throughmultiple lenses. Throughout the journey, youwill identify and explore options for growth and transformation that emerge fromwithin the business, not fromexternal advisors.

As your teams explore and develop options to address issues and

opportunities, we drive organizational engagement at multiple levels, spurring collective learning and impact. As a result, organizations grow their competence and confidence to successfully address their challenges.


Academic Director Business Transformation Initiative, IMD Pathfinder

In a true partnershipwith your leaders, we help create your future. You own the journey, you own the outcome and you own your future.






We engage with you over time, to shape your understanding, to think through options, to question choices andmake decisions you can take forward.

At each stage, we co-create a journey that enables top leadership teams to develop a strategy fromwithin.

We engage the organization at various levels to ensure integrating perspectives and creating ownership.

We facilitate a process that enables the entire organization to align on common goals, breaking silos, creating divergence and convergence to build and shape insights.

Our approach brings in an external perspective to challenge traditional ways of approaching business issues.

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