
LEADING CUSTOMER-CENTRIC TRANSFORMATIONS research points to three aspects of customer-centricity that many firms fail to get right: the scope, the dynamic nature of the subject, and the diverse capabilities required to succeed. Business Insights There’s a paradox when it comes to customer-centricity: most executives think caring about their customers is important, and many companies see customer-centricity as a key pillar of their growth strategy. And yet many executives rate their firm’s own performance in this area poorly - and end up paying for it. APOSITIVE EFFECT ONPROFITABILITY We’ve been talking about customer-centricity for decades, and the concept is neither difficult to define nor to understand. Furthermore, academic research has repeatedly demonstrated the positive impact that being customer-centric has on financial performance (it has a positive effect on profitability, for instance). So, howcanwe explain this disconnect between such an obviousmanagement imperative and the reality of where firms really are in practice?Our

Many companies take a piecemeal approach to customer-centricity, but it needs to permeate all the dimensions of a business and operating model to deliver financial gains.

FRÉDÉRIC DALSACE Professor of Marketing and Strategy

KATHARINA LANGE Affiliate Professor of Leadership

DIDIER BONNET Affiliate Professor of Strategy and Digital Transformation



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