What is your solution? While it might be a bit of an over

Action points

simplification, the old off-site is the new on-site and the old on-site is the new off site. This insight means that companies and executives have to rethink their approach quite radically to ways of working and leadership. For leaders, there are four different leadership “modes” that need to be operated across in the hybrid era. Each mode requires certain competencies and mindsets: catalyst, conductor, champion, and coach. • As catalyst , sparking energy, you need to bring in diverse sets of talents and skills, build trust and welcome constructive conflict. • As conductor you must set a clear agenda and goals, make sure everyone is heard, and check on progress. • As champion your job is to promote your team’s accomplishments and make sure they get the resources they need. • As coach , you need to listen actively, pose challenging questions, and offer support without taking over.

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Get your team together and distill the key lessons from the last two years.

Translate these new lessons into better ways of working.

How can leaders create value, beyond expectations, through people, in this hybrid era?

What is your hot topic? How can organizations and executives establish which types of work are best done virtually and what kinds of work are best done in person? Once that has been established, it is possible to define the leadership competencies that are associated with each mode of working. Why does this matter now? The big challenge, now that the restrictions associated with the COVID-19 pandemic seem to be relaxing, is to not automatically fall back into the old ways of working. Rather, this is the moment to take stock of what we have learned and ensure that we keep the best of the new practices.

Upgrade the leadership skills of your senior executives.

Recommended reading

The future of team leadership is modal By Robert Hooijberg and Michael Watkins When do we really need face-to-face interactions? By Robert Hooijberg and Michael Watkins


OWP 2023

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