



Recognize the range of impacts that uncertainty can have on tasks, processes, people, and organizations.

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Co-creating narratives with your followers is crucial to help make sense of and give meaning to your situation.

No one can just talk their way into the future. The more these narratives are collectively enacted, tested, revised, and replaced, the more you and your followers are shaping and creating your desired future.


DON’T LET POWERCORRUPT YOU: HOWTO EXERCISE INFLUENCE WITHOUT LOSINGYOUR MORAL COMPASS Julie Battilana and Tiziana Casciaro (Harvard Business Review, September- October 2021) MANAGERS CAN’T DO IT ALL: IT’S TIME TO REINVENT THEIR ROLE FOR THE NEWWORLD OF WORK Diane Gherson and Lynda Gratton (Harvard Business Review, March- April 2022) HOW TO BE A GOOD BOSS IN A BAD ECONOMY Robert I. Sutton (Harvard Business Review, June 2009)

WHAT IS YOUR SOLUTION? Leaders who recognize that uncertainty is not just a disruptor of tasks, but also a source of identity threat to individuals and groups can respond more comprehensively and constructively to it. Separating the objective and subjective impacts of uncertainty can guide leaders to more effective management responses, as well as more impactful leadership approaches in volatile and troubling times.



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