


For high-performance leaders, courage is the quality that enables everything else. But finding the courage to speak up, do the right thing, innovate, give feedback, ensure fairness, and foster inclusion is easier said than done.

Leadership takes courage: courage to address uncertainty, courage to foster inclusion, and courage to address people problems. Aristotle claimed that courage is the leadership quality that enables everything else. Contrary to popular belief, it is not reserved for extraordinary people. Whilst there may be no playbook for courage, it is a teachable and learnable skill, and most people have the capacity to be courageous. We have witnessed extraordinary courage in the past two years: courage and resilience to deal with the

emerging and unpredictable COVID-19 pandemic. Think of the scientists who invented new vaccines, the World Health Organization supporting the world’s sensemaking of vaccine protocols and supply, and the medical staff who have tirelessly dealt with patients. We have also witnessed courage in the aftermath of George Floyd’s death and the ensuing discussions about race, as well as the courage of leaders and people around the world in maintaining resilience and a sense of hope as they make respond to these extraordinary situations.

These events have required shifts in ways of interacting, working, learning, and living, and these shifts have provided an opportunity for people to practice courage in meeting these challenges.

HEATHER CAIRNS-LEE Adjunct Professor of Leadership



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