


Regularly revisit your OWP notes and reflections to maximize the impact of your learning for you and your organization.

I am encouraging you now to revisit your session notes regularly in the coming weeks and months to really help those neurons to wire together, so that you can reap the greatest benefits from the intense OWP learning experience. This post-event report, based on many of the leading-edge insights shared by our faculty, seeks to provide a further support for you as you bring your new insights to life. We hope you find it a useful companion for your ongoing OWP journey. All the best to you, and until next time,

I was touched by the reflection of one of our participants this week, who shared the insight that, as leaders, we need to strike the balance between patience and impatience: to make sure we are focused both on the long-term game of delivering on our purpose, while also recognizing the need to act with urgency, given the complexity and severity of the challenges we face. Dr. Sahar Nasr’s advice, during her keynote session, to never give up on what you believe in – your principles and ethics as a leader – also resonated deeply as the world strives to adapt to this period of unprecedented uncertainty and disruption.

Dear OWP participant, The June 2022 edition of our signature program Orchestrating Winning Performance felt like the beginning of a new era: a return to the full, in- person experience of this extraordinary week of learning, sharing, and networking. Spurred by the challenges of the pandemic, IMD has found powerful new ways to deliver real impact and learning through the flexibility of the “OWP liVe” virtual program, but there is nothing quite like the buzz of more than 400 international executives congregating at our base camp in Lausanne. It was an inspiring, energizing week. We were honored to host you and your teams as we explored ways to reset for sustainable and inclusive growth.

One of the truly unique benefits of the OWP structure is that, with more than 40 faculty and experts delivering sessions across the full spectrum of business-critical issues, each OWP participant can tailor their learning journey according to their specific needs. At the same time, OWP creates the space in and around sessions to enable diverse people to connect, network, and share perspectives. This means that organizations can empower different teams or individuals to address multiple challenges and opportunities at OWP, while building up their professional networks for future collaboration. To make sure you make the most out of your time at OWP, I wanted to remind you of something I shared with you in Lausanne: neurons that fire together, wire together.

JEAN-FRANÇOIS MANZONI Nestlé Professor of Leadership & OIrganizational Development and President, IMD

OWP22 highlights



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