
Q&A →Leadership LEADING IN THE NEWNORMAL WHAT IS YOURHOT TOPIC? How executives can lead through a world defined by uncertainty, industry changes, and macroeconomic challenges. WHYDOES IT MATTERNOW? The pressures facing leaders are greater than ever before, so much so that they are creating two fundamental leadership challenges. First, the old rules of leadership – traditional leadership models – just don’t work as well as they used to. And second, leaders

are increasingly having to operate using their instincts, which is fine except our instincts are not always right and acting on them can be a bit like gambling.

Traditional styles of leadership are becoming less effective. Focusing on the impact you have as a leader and on creating the right working environment can help your organization navigate the new normal.

SHLOMO BEN-HUR Professor of Leadership, Organization and Corporate Learning

NIK KINLEY Director, YSC Consulting



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