
Q&A →Leadership CHANGE BEGINS WITH ME WHAT IS YOURHOT TOPIC? How and why should leaders engage in their own transformation. As Austrian neurologist and psychiatrist Viktor Frankl would say: “When we are no longer able to change a situation, we are challenged to change ourselves.” WHY DOES IT MATTER NOW? Human beings have always searched for meaning and purpose in their professional (and personal) lives. Our generation, and the next generations of leaders, live in an unprecedented time of excess uncertainty, anxiety, and confusion. Things are changing around us so

stop, reflect, and integrate these different selves. This requires a continuous and ongoing commitment to transformation. The concept of “the real me” is being replaced by the concept of “the evolving me”. This evolution will be a combination of growth, learning, outer change, and inner transformation. That transformation is a combination of looking forward (exploring, becoming lost, defining intentions), as well as looking back to discover what keeps us where we are (our routines, roles, expectations, beliefs, assumptions).

fast, that our own agency as leaders is reactive, and keeping up. More than ever before we are being split into different selves, so we need to learn how to

In today’s volatile environment, leaders should treat their own transformation journeys as an ongoing evolution.

BEN BRYANT Professor of Leadership and Organization



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