
→Diversity, Equity& Inclusion


Diversity can boost performance, but only if the workplace feels inclusive for all. Executives can foster more inclusion by tackling micro-aggressions that undermine and alienate people who might not feel part of the ‘dominant tribe’.

In today’s global and increasingly uncertain

The ability to work across difference and create inclusive environments is more critical than ever. Research shows that companies can enhance performance through diversity as long as there is an inclusive environment for people to thrive in. Micro-aggressions – the small and seemingly invisible experience of jokes, comments, or slights that can hurt, humiliate, and disengage employees – can play a crucial role in making workplaces feel less inclusive and stifling the

power of diversity. At the same time, allies and advocates can play a supportive role in empowering diverse workforces.

environment, it is imperative to not only understand and embrace difference, but to create the space for “invisible” and “visible” diversity to thrive. By exploring and unpacking real-life examples of tricky diversity, equity, and inclusion scenarios, and by applying practical tools and techniques to support curious and courageous conversations that can bridge differences, executives can create psychological safety and bring out the best from the diverse individuals in their teams.

ALYSON MEISTER Professor of Leadership and Organizational Behavior



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