
→ Impact Story


Schouw & Co, an industrial conglomerate and Hildebrandt and Brandi, a management consultancy firm, explain how Orchestrating Winning Performance (OWP) helps their top teams gain ‘outside-in’ inspiration and sets the direction for the next year.

IMD’s first face-to-face Orchestrating Winning Performance (OWP) in three years provided “a learning pallet” for business leaders to discover the latest management thinking, as well as an opportunity for the broader executive team to connect in person, said Jens Bjerg Sørensen, CEO at Schouw & Co, a Danish industrial conglomerate that owns six companies in the B2B segment. “You get a lot of insights and food for thought,” he said of the week-long customizable program. “It’s difficult to organize a program like this yourself; you can’t find the inspiration in the same way. It’s super good to combine the IMD

professionalism with our own small breakout groups. We get good inspiration and meet up in small groups and have broader company insights,” he added. Having attended OWP five times previously, this year Sørensen brought the management teams from all six of Schouw & Co’s holding companies – the first time the team of 40 people was able to come together since the pandemic. Each of the holding companies had their own breakout room at IMD, and at 7.30 am each day, Sørensen ran a chairman session with the different function heads from each firm to use their insights to drill down into what is going on at each company.



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