

BE REAL Be authentic and transparent in qualitative and quantitative terms about what your company is doing and what is achievable. That also means being upfront and honest about any shortcomings or vulnerabilities.

STRIKE A BALANCE We should not strive for perfection in one particular area, given all the variables at play. Rather, CEOs should seek to balance multiple variables – balance the long- and short-term, balance the heart and mind, balance profit and purpose. “We need to unlearn and to learn. What took us here, we can assume most probably, will not take us into the future.”


TAP INTO DIVERSITY “Companies become stronger when you really create the mechanisms inside the company to make it grow,” he explained. “Diversity will be even more important in the future. In order to tap into that richness, we need to embed this into our culture.”

“Everything you post or share now has to be fact- based, and you need to be able to commit to that – not greenwashing,” he said. “CEOs and organizations that, in the past, didn’t allow people to be vulnerable, that were so concerned about failures and exposing themselves, will fail. A CEO and leader that is vulnerable is stronger than CEOs who are distant and protect themselves.”

Collaboration can be a game changer as it allows leaders to pool multiple perspectives and competencies. Think beyond the “traditional”, he said, and engage with unconventional partners, including start-ups and academic institutions. “Widen your horizons as much as you can.”



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