
→ Innovation



Pay attention to your vendors – their vulnerability is also yours.

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Try and see beyond the hype of emerging technologies – what risks do they bring along?

Employees are the biggest attack surface, but they are also the most important line of defense. Instead of focusing only on click-through awareness programs, work on instilling a security culture in the organization.


THIS IS HOWTHEY TELL ME THEWORLD ENDS: THE CYBERWEAPONS ARMS RACE Nicole Perlroth (Bloomsbury, February 2021) CLICKHERE TOKILL EVERYBODY: SECURITYAND SURVIVAL INA HYPER-CONNECTEDWORLD Bruce Schneier (WWNorton, September 2018) THE RANSOMWARE DILEMMA Philipp Leo, Öykü Işik, and Fabian Muhly (MIT Sloan Management Review, Summer 2022) FIVE LESSONSOF CYBERSECURITY THE PUBLIC SECTORCANOFFER Öykü Işık, Tawfik Jelassi, and Valérie Keller-Birrer (European Business Review, May/June 2022)

WHAT IS YOUR SOLUTION? Executives and organizations should shed their false sense of security. One way of doing this is by increasing awareness, being aware of the threat landscape the organization is operating in, and using a scenario planning approach to specify the risk.



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