IMD Annual Report 2019



IMDPathfinder journeys: a distinctive approach to create short-termand long-termvalue for organizations

High impact for individuals & for the organization

II. IMD “Pathfinder journeys”

I. Well executed “executive development” programs



A powerful team Faculty members obviously occupy a special place in academic institutions, including at IMD. Professors are involved in most aspects of IMD’s value creation process. They are central in research activities leading to the creation of new ideas and new pedagogical material and methods. They contribute greatly to designing sessions, programs and other types of interventions. On the custom program side, they often play an important role in the process that will lead the corporate partner to choose IMD to support them. They are then intensely involved in sessions during programs, and in various support activities before and after residential modules. They also support online activities, and they grade exams and other types of tests in degree programs.

This extensive and intensive involvement by faculty members does not mean that they do everything, nor that they should do so. They should be involved where and when their involvement generates a value that cannot be generated more effectively and/or more efficiently by another member of the team. This is particularly true at IMD because there are so few people in the world with the breadth and depth of qualities required by the school’s unique context and portfolio of activities. IMDiscontinuouslyon the lookout forpotential team members – individuals who have the professional competencies, the experience and values that might enable them to contribute to its activities and to fulfil its purpose. Once identified, IMD “tests

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