Hacking Digital

Introduction xiv

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anchoring. Each phase has its own distinct challenges that business leaders will need to carefully navigate to succeed. (See Figure I.1.)

The Digital Transformation Journey



Digitally- Enabled Business


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Business Value



Starting Initiation Phase

Execution Phase Building Integrating

Scaling Anchoring Phase

Figure I.1  From initiation to building a digital organization

The initiation phase may not be the largest in terms of activity—we esti- mate that it takes about 10 percent of the overall effort—but the whole digital transformation program is put at risk if it’s not completed properly. The initi- ation phase is all about building a solid foundation and setting up the digital program for success. There are three principal components within this phase: building momentum, setting objectives, and understanding the landscape. Building momentum includes creating a sense of urgency for transfor- mation and aligning the key stakeholders on the need for change. In particu- lar, the top team needs to be aligned internally and solidly behind the digital transformation program. It also needs to ensure that appropriate funding and resources are allocated to the program. Setting clear objectives is a critical step to avoid the common problem of focusing on “digital for the sake of digital” rather than pursuing a larger, business-focused set of objectives. Finally, understanding the landscape is about forming a clear assessment of the digital maturity of the organization and capturing an accurate picture of the current portfolio of digital technologies and projects.

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