Hacking Digital

Introduction xvii

You may see yourself as an Ian, an Elena, or an Andrej, or you may recog- nize each of them in your current situation. Whatever part of the digital jour- ney you may find yourself on, there are plenty of hacks that are available to maximize your chances of success.

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We recommend that you peruse the table of contents and start with a chal- lenge that sounds very relevant to the phase you’re in, perhaps one that you’re facing right now. Go to that chapter and read through its recommendations. In each chapter, we reference additional chapters that tend to go hand in hand. As you browse through the chapters and challenges, your initial to-do list will grow and priorities will become clearer. Each chapter has a consistent format to ensure that you can easily extract learnings and insights as you move through the book. After describing the challenge and providing a short summary of the chapter’s most important rec- ommendations, we break down the content into these elements: Why It Matters. We present the justification for including the challenge in the book—in other words, why it’s a big deal to the success of digital transformation. This section often includes facts and statistics to illustrate the relevance of the challenge. Best Practices and Key Insights. This is the largest section in each chapter. It outlines our evidence-based advice on how to address the challenge. We provide recommendations and best practices for typical use cases, supported by examples. We often back up this advice with a tool or framework that you can apply in your organization. Hacker’s Toolbox. In this section, we provide a set of super- practical tools and advice that you can apply to create immedi- ate impact. Self-Reflection Questions. Here, we provide a set of questions that can be used as a checklist or validation of the recommended approaches.

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