Empowering Africa's tomorrow, together

Africa’s opportunity

David Bach, IMD Professor of Strategy and Political Economy and Dean of Innovation and Programs

It is the year 2100. Africa has exceeded the wildest expectations. The continent is peaceful, prosperous, healthy, culturally vibrant, and economically strong. It is harmonious and has strong, mutually beneficial, inter-regional relationships. Just how did it close out the 21st century so successfully when in 2023 it stood on the precipice of huge potential, but also so many dangerous pitfalls? Let us use our crystal ball and ‘future-back’ to a world where, in the 21st century, Africa not only lived up to its potential but exceeded even the most optimistic expectations for its contribution to humanity and the global economy. The question is, how does this happen? In 2023, the continent has so much going for it – most importantly the world’s youngest population, with its latent potential of a springboard of decades of growth and its associated demographic dividend. It has many countries with vast minerals and vast natural resources, which are greatly valued and in increasing demand the world over. But in 2023 it also has multiple challenges, among them military coups, concerns about corruption, bad infrastructure, a climate emergency, and the effects of a global economic slowdown. In many ways, it could go either way from here. So, what is it that by 2100 will make Africa succeed so dramatically? What are some of the important developments that will produce phenomenal progress by the end of the century?


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