
Append i ce s and Sou rce s The statistical tables are available for subscribers of the IMD World Competitiveness Online. Visit our eShop

Background St a t i st i cs

0.0.1 [B] Exchange Rate 0.0.2 [B] Population - market size 0.0.3 [B] GDP per capita

National currency per US$ (average)

Estimates in millions

US$ per capita

Fac t or I : Knowledge

1 . 1 Ta len t


Educational assessment PISA - Math

PISA survey of 15-year olds

1.1.2 [S] International experience 1.1.3 [S] Foreign highly-skilled personnel 1.1.4 [S] Management of cities 1.1.5 [S] Digital/Technological skills

International experience of senior managers is generally significant Foreign highly-skilled personnel are attracted to your country’s business environment

Management of cities supports business development Digital/Technological skills are readily available


Net flow of international students

Tertiary-level international students inbound minus students outbound (per 1000 people)

1 . 2 Tra i n i ng & educa t i on

1.2.1 [S] Employee training

Employee training is a high priority in companies

1.2.2 1.2.3 1.2.4 1.2.5 1.2.6

Total public expenditure on education Higher education achievement Pupil-teacher ratio (tertiary education)

Percentage of GDP

Percentage of population that has attained at least tertiary education for persons 25-34

Number of pupils per teacher

Graduates in Sciences Women with degrees

% of graduates in ICT, Engineering, Math & Natural Sciences Share of women who have a degree in the population 25-65

1 . 3 Sc i en t i f i c concen t ra t i on

1.3.1 1.3.2 1.3.3 1.3.4 1.3.5 1.3.6 1.3.7

Total expenditure on R&D (%) Total R&D personnel per capita R&D productivity by publication Scientific and technical employment High-tech patent grants Robots in Education and R&D Female researchers

Percentage of GDP

Full-time work equivalent (FTE) per 1000 people

% of total (headcount FT&PT)

No. of scientific articles over R&D expenditure (as % GDP)

% of total employment

% of all patents granted by applicant’s origin (average 2015-2017)

number of robots

Fac t or I I : Techno logy

2 . 1 Regu l a t ory f ramework

2.1.1 2.1.2

Starting a business Enforcing contracts

Distance to Frontier Distance to Frontier

2.1.3 [S] Immigration laws Immigration laws do not prevent your company from employing foreign labor 2.1.4 [S] Development & application of technology Development and application of technology are supported by the legal environment 2.1.5 [S] Scientific research legislation Laws relating to scientific research do encourage innovation 2.1.6 [S] Intellectual property rights Intellectual property rights are adequately enforced

2 . 2 Cap i t a l

2.2.1 IT & media stock market capitalization 2.2.2 [S] Funding for technological development 2.2.3 [S] Banking and financial services

% of total stock market capitalization

Funding for technological development is readily available Banking and financial services do support business activities efficiently Index (0-60) of three country credit ratings: Fitch, Moody’s and S&P


Country credit rating

2.2.5 [S] Venture capital

Venture capital is easily available for business


Investment in Telecommunications

Percentage of GDP



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